Podcast listenership continues to grow, making them an excellent choice in forming brand advertising. By making your podcast a part of your marketing strategy, you can expand your reach. You’ll form a personal relationship with your listeners, turning them into fans and loyal customers. You can leverage this relationship to use podcasting to grow your business.


Expand Your Listener Base and Build a Community


The content you share on your podcast positions you as an expert in your niche, so you need to ensure that you keep on top of sharing topics that resonate with your audience. By offering a unique and knowledgeable perspective on current trends in your area of expertise, you’ll become the go-to resource when your listeners are looking for guidance.

Staying current with your content will keep your show fresh. This helps build an engaged community and fosters meaningful relationships with listeners. When you expand your audience, you invite more potential customers to join the conversation, allowing you to build a public relations campaign that genuinely interests and engages.



Once you have built up an audience, think about exploring the possibility of having a brand or company sponsor your podcast. This is just one way of adding an income stream to your podcast. Always ensure that whoever you allow as a sponsor is someone that your listeners also align with. Having an established brand sponsor your show demonstrates the value that others in your niche place on your podcast and the content you provide.


Social Media Marketing

There is no way you can disregard social media when drawing up your content marketing strategy. It is simple to use your podcast to boost your business’s presence on social media channels. There are several ways you can enhance your visibility on social media via your podcast episodes:


  • Include all your social media handles in the call-to-action at the end of your show
  • Ensure you pin new episodes of your show at the top of feeds so that they are quick and easy for listeners to access
  • Reshare popular or topical shows so new listeners can catch up
  • Promote upcoming shows on social media channels
  • Create conversation by posting snippets and creating polls or asking questions


If you already have a blog and are active on social media, promoting your podcast on these channels is a great way to expand on or recap information. It also serves to bring more traffic to your website and showcase your product or service while growing the podcast’s audience.


Your podcast should absolutely be part of your overall marketing strategy, as well as being a passion project. You can use podcasting to grow your business by connecting with your audience. They’ll love engaging with you on an authentic, conversational level.


By applying the strategies mentioned above and serving your listeners consistently useful and interesting podcast episodes, you can use podcasting to grow your business and capitalize on every opportunity.


Schedule a call with East Coast Studio today! From the simplest edits, to complete podcast workflows including show notes and uploading, we can help make your podcast a success.

Profits Through Podcasting Webinar

Learn the 5 Strategic Shifts 6-Figure Podcasters Make To Get High-Profit Clients and Save Hours Each Week

Profits Through Podcasting Webinar

Learn the 5 Strategic Shifts 6-Figure Podcasters Make To Get High-Profit Clients
and Save Hours Each Week