Your podcast artwork is usually the first thing that a potential listener notices when they’re browsing. It’s the face of your show, and first impressions most definitely count. When podcast lovers are looking for something new to listen to, the cover art is what grabs their attention. You can’t afford to not know the elements of great podcast artwork!
All podcasts need to have an artwork to be added to podcast directories, and you need to ensure that your artwork is helping you rather than hurting you.
Have a look at your competition to get a feel for the kind of artworks for shows in your niche. You’ll notice that some podcast art catches your eye and tempts you to explore the show, while other examples melt into the background.
What Makes Great Podcast Art?
- Easy to read title text
- Colors that catch the eye
- Professional design
- No hard-to-see elements
- A design that communicates what your podcast is about
The title lets listeners know what your show is about. But, the rest of the artwork acts as a backdrop that either enhances or detracts from your central message. You don’t want to let your show down with a shabby front cover that turns your audience off. Podcast window shoppers will use the artwork to decide if they should hit play on your show. When designing your podcast art, remember that it is an essential aspect of promoting your podcast.
Where to Find Affordable Podcast Artwork
Unless you are a graphic designer or a very skilled amateur, it’s better to outsource the design of your logo and artwork. To be brutally honest, this isn’t the time to DIY. If you can spend a little money to get the best quality artwork that you can, it will be well worth it.
There are several places to look for quality podcast artwork that gives a professional look to your show. You can try Fiverr, 99Designs, or Upwork to outsource artwork to experienced freelance designers.
Not only will eye-catching artwork help you garner more listeners, but it also ups the likelihood that Apple Podcasts will feature your show. This can get you in front of thousands of potential new listeners.
The Final Word on Podcast Artwork
Your podcast cover art is something that your audience sees every time they tune into your show, and it’s the first thing that a potential listener sees when they are browsing for new content. It is a key component of your brand, so you cannot get it wrong.
If your artwork doesn’t speak to your audience, fit your niche, or is just plain dull and uninteresting, then you’ll have a more challenging time persuading new listeners to give your show a try. They’ll leave your show in the dust as they go in search of something that grabs their attention. Seeing your artwork as a critical component of your podcast and working hard to get it right (just as you do with your content) could make the difference between attracting more listeners and leaving them stuck on the virtual shelf.
Great podcast artwork is only the beginning of how to make sure your podcast is top-notch in every way. To learn more about professional audio editing to ensure you sound your best, contact East Coast Studio.